Saturday, November 3, 2012

Let's get the ball rolling

I'm going to kick this off with a quick overview of what happened today.  Some of it is kinda interesting.

I spent the whole day (with the exception of the few hours I ate/did chores) working on my latest level. It started out with a retexture from Marble Blast Platinum (as the level was originally made for it) which was an annoying process of retexturing, resizing, fixing old stuff, yada yada.  By then I was so tired of it that I tried a different trimming technique that made life easier.

So I converted the level, just to get that annoying lightmap error.  I had a humugous brush in there, I split it into multiple parts and it still wouldn't work.  I ended up resizing this to make it 4x smaller and resized it ingame.  It looks a bit dark, but oh well.

Of course, when I did convert it, there was a ton of texturing errors that were too annoying to leave alone, so I fixed those and adjusted a few other parts.  When that was done, I suddenly felt the need to extend the level to make it mid-advanced (was originally early-intermediate) so I did.  Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun.

When all that was done I finally converted it.  Bam, vislink error. Blah.

When I SPLIT THE MAP and converted it looked like a big mess of peices, which later I discovered that I stupidly placed the same interior three times in the same location.

All that fixed, I began the usual LE work and while screwing around I found that two of the challenges were impossible/close to impossible.  Since I already had the map split, I decided to keep what I had and cleverly place interiors so the challenges were easier.  Woo, it worked.

So, by the end of the day, I had finished a fairly long and sexy level.  Aside from scenery and help triggers, this level is DONE.  It was difficult, but in the end, the result was TOTALLY worth it.

It looks like I refound my inspiration to work. :)


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